Liliana Karadjova Photography

So I was browsing this site,, and discovered photos by Ms. Liliana Karadjova. What caught my eye about her photos were how her lighting helped captivated the mood of the picture, even if you saw no facial expressions of the model or his/her face was cut off/blocked. Just by the lighting you can tell the mood of the picture just from the body language and facial expressions the models give. I also like how she uses the TV’s in some photos to represent the model’s reflection or maybe their feeling of being trapped. This woman is talented and her pictures will go far.

Liliana Karadjova Photography

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Unicorn/Dream Magazine

Check out this magazine at! The photography in this magazine focusses a lot on lighting and  the beauty of simple little things, like being with nature. Dreams is also a big thing expressed in this magazine, which caught my eye. More